Music Lecture
Interpreting Interpretation
Piano Lecture
此講座由倫敦鋼琴家Robin Zebaida 主講。Robin Zebaida 被《南華早報》稱讚為 “精緻的輓歌演奏和火熱雷鳴般的輝煌”,被《星期日觀察家報章》譽為“拉赫曼尼諾夫浪漫主義的完美詮釋者”。曾於13個國家及地區,包括多次在香港、多個歐美國家及亞洲多國及城市監考ABRSM演奏文憑考試,亦曾於過往四屆的香港校際音樂節及施坦威鋼琴大賽決賽中擔任評判。
2025年 1月23-24日 星期四-五
地點: 香港大會堂高座8樓演奏廳
講座重溫時段: 1月30日至3月3日 (星期四至星期一)
英語主講 粵語旁述
^ 講座附送參考樂譜
^ 參與講座者可獲證書乙張
每場次: $630
兩天優惠套票: $1220
· 1月15日前購買任何一天場次門票: $580
· 1月15日前購買兩天優惠套票: $1044
🌟曾參與2024年11月[2025香港學校音樂節鋼琴樂曲之傳譯 by Robin Zebaida] 之參加者每場次即減$20
A look at the aspects of musical interpretation from Classical Period to the present day. Further thoughts on selected sonatas of Mozart and Beethoven, and music from the Romantic era.
Day 1
Beethoven 'Moonlight' Sonata in C# minor, Op. 27 No. 2 (ARSM)
Mozart Adagio in B minor, K. 540 (ARSM)
Mozart Sonata in C minor, K. 457 (ATCL, LRSM)
Mozart Sonata in D major, K. 284 (ARSM)
Schubert Impromptu in A flat major, Op.142 D.935 No.2 (ABRSM G8)
Rachmaninov Preludes Op 32, Nos 5, 10 and 12 (ATCL, No.5 and 12 ARSM, No.10 LRSM)
Day 2
Beethoven ‘Pathétique’ Sonata in C minor, Op. 13 First movement (ARSM, ATCL)
Mozart Sonata in A minor, K. 310 (LRSM, LTCL)
Mozart Sonata in A minor, Rondo K. 511 (LRSM, LTCL)
Schubert Impromptu in G flat major, Op. 90 No.3, D. 899 (ARSM, ATCL)
Rachmaninov Preludes op 23, Nos 4, 5 and 10 (LRSM, LTCL except No.10)
Liszt Funérailles (LRSM)
Conducted in English, with Cantonese translation
Robin Zebaida
- 前ABRSM級別和文憑試監考官, 於全球13個國家監考
- ABRSM聆聽測試練習CD演奏者
- 四屆香港校際音樂節和施坦威鋼琴大賽
- 多個國際音樂節和鋼琴大賽評判
- 《南華早報》稱讚為「精緻的輓歌演奏和火熱雷鳴般的輝煌」
- 英國《音樂輿論》雜誌譽為「一位力量和耐力十足的鋼琴家」
- 悉尼音樂會被報導為「獲得觀眾鮮有的熱烈擁戴和共鳴」
Press Quotes
'Exquisite elegiacal playing and fiery thunderous brilliance.' ~South China Morning Post
'Robin Zebaida's delicate discrimination was apparent in everything he played from Mozart's Fantasie in C minor to the mammoth demands made by Rachmaninov's Sonata no. 2 in B flat minor ... I was impressed by his versatility and prestidigitarian skill, showing his nimble dexterity as he performed incredible feats on the keyboard.' ~Daily News
'A pianist of Herculean stamina ... with strength in charm, lyricism and subtle turns of phrase.' ~Musical Opinion
'A perfect exponent of Rachmaninov's romanticism.' ~Sunday Observer
Piano Performance Talk by
Helen Leek & Ann Martin-Davis
'Playing Bach on the Piano'
日期: 2025年2月4日星期二
'Playing Debussy and Ravel on the Piano'
日期: 2025年2月5日星期三
地點: 香港大會堂高座8樓演奏廳
講座重溫時段: 2月10日至3月10日 (星期一至星期一)
英語主講 粵語旁述
^ 參與講座者可獲證書乙張
每場次: $610
兩天優惠套票: $1180
· 1月25日前購買任何一天場次門票: $560
· 1月25日前購買兩天優惠套票: $1008
🌟曾參與 [Interpreting Interpretation] 之參加者每場次即減$20
[Playing Bach on the Piano]
Playing the keyboard works of J.S. Bach on a modern piano can be confusing. Should notes be played detached or legato? Where do trills and ornaments fit in? Which notes should I highlight and which are less important? Helen Leek, tutor in piano at Royal Holloway, University of London, will guide you in your interpretation and develop a new understanding of how to play this wonderful music.
[Playing Debussy and Ravel on the Piano]
Debussy and Ravel are often described as ‘French Impressionist composers’ but this phrase is misleading. In this talk and in Ravel’s 150th anniversary year, pianist Ann Martin-Davis draws on her musical inheritance and uses examples from exam grade and diploma syllabus’s to discuss what makes these composers so very French, but so very different.
Day 1
Bach Invention in Bb major BWV 785 (ABRSM grade 6)
Bach Invention in E major BWV 777 (ABRSM grade 6)
Bach Prelude and Fugue Bk.2 in G major BWV 884 (ABRSM grade 8)
Bach Prelude and Fugue Bk.1 no.16 in G minor BWV 861 (ARSM)
Bach Toccata no.5 in E minor BWV 914 (ARSM)
Bach Sarabande and Rondeaux from Partita no.2 in C minor BWV 826 (ABRSM grade 8)
Bach Sinfonia, Allemande and Capriccio from Partita no.2 in C minor BWV 826 (ATCL)
Bach Overture from Partita no.4 in D major BWV 828 (ATCL)
Day 2
The Little Shepherd (ABRSM grade 7)
La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin (ABRSM grade 8)
Rêverie (ABRSM 8)
La Cathédrale Engloutie (ATCL)
Voiles (ATCL)
Sarabande from Pour le Piano (ARSM)
Reflets dans L’eau. (LRSM and LTCL)
Toccata from Pour le Piano (LTCL)
Prelude (Trinity grade 7)
Sonatine (complète) (ARSM and LTCL)
Le Tombeau de Couperin - Prélude and Minuet (ARSM and LRSM)
Miroirs - Une Barque sur L’Ocean and La Vallée des Cloches (LRSM)
Conducted in English, with Cantonese translation
Helen Leek
英國皇家音樂學院JBR盃獲獎者, 倫敦大學鋼琴教授, 英國皇家音樂學院校內比賽評判, ABRSM級別及演奏級別監考官及考官培訓官.
´With the multifaceted creativity of the pianist Helen Leek, Clara Schumann herself would have been proud.´ ~ The Frankfurter Allgemeine, German
‘The real hero of the performance was undoubtedly Helen Leek…here was ensemble playing of the highest order, spiced up by dazzling virtuoso performances from all six musicians’. ~ The Straits Times, Singapore
Ann Martin-Davis
現任英國皇家音樂學院及牛津大學鋼琴導師, ABRSM級別及演奏級別監考官及考官培訓官,
被《留聲機雜誌》譽為 '一位傑出的學者和鋼琴家', 《BBC音樂雜誌》'Ann Martin-Davis的演奏閃耀著光芒'.
‘A compelling ambassador for classical music.’ ~ Sunday Times, UK
‘A distinguished scholar and pianist’ ~ Gramophone Magazine
過往講座 Previous events
[2025-2026鋼琴考試新曲] 證書講座
'2025-2026 New Piano Exam Pieces' Webinar
by LOO Bang Hean
Zoom lecture room
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新ARSM & LRSM 音樂教學文憑講座
Introducing NEW ARSM & LRSM Music Teaching Diplomas
by Camelia Chui
Tom Lee Studio
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Introducing NEW ARSM & LRSM Music Teaching Diplomas
by Camelia Chui
On Zoom
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Piano Technique Lecture & Workshop
by Dr Julian Hellaby
HK Cultural Centre
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'Planning for a LRSM Recital'
by LOO Bang Hean
Zoom lecture room
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'THINK in MUSIC' Seminar
[從音樂思考] 證書硏習講座
by Prof. Alberto Firrincieli
2024年1月15 & 17日
HK City Hall Recital Hall
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Piano Sight-reading Workshop
by Camelia Chui
HK Cultural Centre
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'Planning for an ARSM Recital'
by LOO Bang Hean
Zoom Lecture room
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'Advanced Piano Pedagogy Workshop'
by Dr Karl Lo
HK City Hall Recital Hall
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'Piano Performance Practice Series'
[鋼琴演奏講座系列]— 浪漫時期
by James Kirby
HK City Hall Recital Hall
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'How to Make the Piano Sing'
by Robin Zebaida
HK City Hall Recital Hall
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'Advancing your Piano Teaching Practice'
[高效鋼琴教學] 講座
Hosted by Camelia Chui
Guest speaker: Michael O’Donnell
Zoom lecture room
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Mock & Viva Workshop for
DipABRSM in Piano Teaching
- 口試答辯模擬工作坊
by Camelia Chui
HK City Hall Recital Hall
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'CHOPIN & Cantabile'
music lecture
[如歌蕭邦] 鋼琴演奏證書講座
by LOO Bang Hean
2023年6月6 & 8日
Zoom lecture room
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' Piano Pedalling and Performing Technique Series by Raymond Young' Music Lecture
by Raymond Young
2023年3月14, 21日, 4月4日
HK City Hall Recital Hall
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' Selected Piano Sonatas by Joseph Haydn' Music Lecture
[海頓奏鳴曲] 證書講座
by LOO Bang Hean
2023年3月7 & 9日
Zoom lecture room
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'Insights into Interpretation' Music Lecture
[琴曲解碼] 證書講座
Robin Zebaida and Raymond Young
2022年11月1, 2 & 17日
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'2023-2024 New Piano Exam Pieces' webinar
[2023-2024鋼琴考試新曲] 證書講座
by LOO Bang Hean
Zoom webinar
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'Favourite Debussy Piano Pieces' Music Lecture
[探索德彪西鋼琴樂曲] 證書講座
by Mr Loo Bang Hean
2022年6月7 & 9日
Zoom webinar
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Advancing your Piano Teaching Practice
by Ms Camelia Chui
Zoom webinar
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'Switching to Online Teaching' Webinar
by Mr Loo Bang Hean
Zoom webinar
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[Excellent Piano Tutor] webinar
by Ms Camelia Chui
2022年1月26 & 2月10日
Zoom webinar
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Playing the Well-Tempered Clavier on the Piano
by Mr Loo Bang Hean
2022年1月13 & 20日
Zoom webinar
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‘Schubertiade’ post-concert Masterclass
by Mr Robin Zebaida
Zoom webinar
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[Schubertiade] Pre-concert talk
[全部舒伯特鋼琴獨奏會] 音樂會前講座
by Dr Blanc Wan & Mr Robin Zebaida
LIVE at Tom Lee Music
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Exploring Gems of Russian Educational Repertoire
by Dr Julian Hellaby
Zoom webinar
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A Creative Path towards Practical Fingering
by Mr Robin Zebaida
2021年1月25 & 27日
Zoom webinar
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Performance Grades Exam Webinar
[遙距評核純演奏考試 -錄像準備與考官角度]
by Mr Ryan Lewis, Loo Bang Hean and Ms Ann Martin-Davis
2021年1月10 & 24日
Zoom webinar
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Alternative Pieces as the 4th Piece
by Mr Loo Bang Hean
2020年12月16 & 17日
Zoom webinar
Performance Grades Exam Webinar
by Mr Loo Bang Hean, Ms Ann Martin-Davis & Mr Ryan Lewis
2020年11月10 & 24日
Zoom webinar
Repertoire Beyond Grade 8
by Mr Loo Bang Hean
Zoom lecture
James Kirby Piano Workshop
by Mr James Kirby
Tom Lee Music Theatre
(一)Technique and Practice 技巧和練習
(二)Harmony and Structure 和聲與結構
Practical Piano Teaching Clinic
by Ms Camelia Chui
2019年 11月7,12日& 12月3日
(一)Interpretation & Teaching of Classical Piano Music 古典時期作品之彈奏和教學要訣
(二)How to Teach Beginners Piano 初級鋼琴教學
(三)How to Teach Beginners Piano 初級鋼琴教學
Mastery in Piano Technique and Exercise in Practice [熟練學習彈琴技巧與實踐練習] by Dr Blanc Wan
2019年10月8-9日 HK Cultural Centre
(一):Scales and Hanon Exercises 創意音階和哈農的練習方法
(二):Practical Technique & Teaching Beginners 技巧訓練和鋼琴初級教學
Read more
Aural Training Grade 1-8 [音樂聆聽技巧訓練 (一) (二) (三) ]
by Mr Robin Zebaida
2019年 9月9,12,16日 HK City Hall
(一) Grade 1-4
(二) Grade 5-6
(三) Grade 7-8
Late 19th Century & Beyond
[19世紀末及現代作品鋼琴教學曲目講座] by Mr Loo Bang Hean
Tom Lee Studio 尖沙咀通利琴行
The Performance Studies of Beethoven and Classical Friends' Piano Sonatas
[貝多芬, 莫札特, 海頓鋼琴奏鳴曲: 鋼琴演奏學] by Dr Blanc Wan
2019年 7月5,19日,8月2,16,30日,9月13日
Ann Martin-Davis 演奏與教學
2019-2020 鋼琴考試曲目
by Ms Ann Martin-Davis
2019年2月10日 (年初六星期日)
MasterTalk by Loo Bang Hean
HK City Hall
Piano Diploma in Preparation [準備你的鋼琴演奏文憑考試]
Performing Piano Baroque Music [彈好巴洛克鋼琴作品]
HK City Hall & Eddy Studio Bechstein Recital Hall
Keyboard Harmony and Improvisation on Piano
Baroque Practice and Keyboard Music
Haydn Sonatas
Mozart Sonatas
Beethoven Sonatas