A piano performing arts festival charity
MYM Festival will be suspended this year, but we hope to see you again in 2019!
The aim of Performing Arts is to present and share our thoughts and feelings with people in the arena of Arts. Apart from performing as a soloist, MYM Festival also welcomes you to perform on stage with your best friend, together to share the happiness.
There is no limit on the academic level. Our guests of honour will give feedback and choose Gold, Silver and Bronze awardees on the basis of confidence, musicality, communication, intonation, style and technical skill of each player.
* All entry fees will be donated to Evangel Children’s Home after deduction of the administration fee.
Residential Home Care Service: For 6 – 18 years old children and youth from broken and difficult families.
Day Care Service: Full-time primary students from low-income families and they lack proper care if stay at home alone after school.
Youth Home Services: To motivate the disadvantaged youth age 18-20 to build up self-confidence and prepare them to become self-sufficient (financial) by joining the work force.
Christianity Education: To help children and youth to abide in Jesus and to lead them to be Christians for the glory of God and to benefit the society.
Through the love of Jesus Christ, Evangel Children’s Home serves children and youth with purposes of nurturing them to grow maturely in all aspects and helping them build up healthy relationship with their families, by these the name of the Lord will be exalted and the community will be benefited.
“Let the little children come to me……” Matthew 19:14 (The Bible)