The 6th HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival
The four highest achieving boys in the Strings and Winds secondary groups (boys age 13-16 only) will be offered the opportunities to participate in the Final week of Whitgift International Music Competition, from 7-11 April 2019, which covers all free masterclasses, lectures, and rehearsals.
The 4th HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival
For the first time we collaborated with UK leading boys school The Whitgift School. Six highest achieving boys were chosen in the Strings and Winds secondary groups and were offered the opportunities to participate in the Final week of Whitgift International Music Competition, from 2-6 April 2017. ✈️ Travel costs for each boy of up to £700, plus the accommodation and food for the duration of stay will be covered by Whitgift School.
WIMC Prizes include a full scholarship to study at Whitgift School until the end of Sixth Form, solo performance opportunities with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra as well as cash awards.
The 3rd HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival
A Winner Award Ceremony and Performance Day was held in the grand and huge Discovery Park shopping mall Tseun Wan on 18 August 2015. Over 1000 people participated in the 8 hours performance event!
2013 HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival
The first Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival was held in August 2013, featuring Pianos, Strings, Winds and Vocal, providing a comprehensive and practical platform for local music students. The 43 hours festival was run in HK Science Museum, HK Space Museum and Tom Lee Academy Hall Megabox, which involved over 80 primary and secondary local schools and was widely welcome by teachers and parents.
2017 MYM Festival
A piano performing arts festival charity where donation was sent to Evangel Children’s Home.
Our guests of honour included Mr Robin Zebaida, Dr Amy Sze and Miss Colleen Lee.
Through the love of Jesus Christ, Evangel Children’s Home serves children and youth with purposes of nurturing them to grow maturely in all aspects and helping them build up healthy relationship with their families, by these the name of the Lord will be exalted and the community will be benefited.
Piano Repertoire Beyond Grade 8 by Mr Loo Bang Hean
5 May 2020 - Teaching Baroque & Classical Piano Repertoire
6 May 2020 - Teaching Romantic & Contemporary Piano Repertoire
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James Kirby Piano Workshop
11 Dec 2019 - Technique and Practice
12 Dec 2019 - Harmony and Structure
Pratical Piano Teaching Clinic & DipABRSM in Teaching by Ms Camelia Chui
7 Nov 2019 - Interpretation and Teaching of Classical Period Musi
12 Nov 2019 - Teaching Beginner Level
3 Dec 2019 - Teaching Beginner Level
Mastery in Piano Technique and Exercise in Practice by Dr Blanc Wan
8 Oct 2019 - 創意音階和哈農的練習方法
9 Oct 2019 - 技巧訓練和鋼琴初級教學
Aural Training Part 1, 2, 3
by Mr Robin Zebaida
9 Sep 2019- Grade 1 - 4
12 Sep 2019- Grade 5 - 6
16 Sep 2019- Grade 7 - 8
Late 19th Century and Beyond - Piano Teaching Repertoire by Mr Loo Bang Hean
16 August 2019
The Performance Studies- Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn Piano Sonatas by Dr Blanc Wan
19 July - 13 September 2019
Ann Martin-Davis Piano Performance and Teaching Lecture
10 February 2019
Covering repertoire taken from the current 2019-20 ABRSM Grades 1-8 syllabus,
Ann Martin-Davis explains deep learning piano methods: incorporate teaching ideas from Schumann and Cortot up to the present day to transform your students' exam and competition performances, achieve excellent results, and enhance your own work satisfaction.
Bill Thomson Piano Performance & Teaching Series 4- Romantic & 20th Century Piano Music Study
2 August 2018
10:00-11:30am Piano Masterclass
11:30am-12:30pm Brunch
1:00-4:00pm Romantic Period Piano Music
4:30-7:30pm 20th Century Piano Music
MasterTalk series by Loo Bang Hean
23 May 2018 - Preparing Piano Diploma Programme
24 May 2018 - Baroque Pieces
Bill Thomson Piano Performance and Teaching Series 3
12 Nov 2017 - Piano masterclass
12 Nov 2017 - Keyboard Harmony and Improvisation on Piano
12 Nov 2017 - Baroque Practice and Keyboard Music
15 Nov 2017 - Haydn Piano Sonatas
16 Nov 2017 - Mozart Piano Sonatas
17 Nov 2017 - Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Bill Thomson Piano Performance and Teaching Series 2
15 Aug 2017 – Early Romantic Period Piano Music (up to 1850)
16 Aug 2017 – Later Romantic Period Piano Music (from 1850)
17 Aug 2017 – Keyboard Harmony and Improvisation
Ivan Yanakov Piano Masterclass III
8 July 2017
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MasterTalk series by Loo Bang Hean
4 May 2017 - The Others
5 May 2017 - Piano Diploma in Preparation
Bill Thomson Piano Sonata Performance and Teaching Series
9 Feb - Mozart Sonatas
16 Feb - Haydn Sonatas
23 Feb - Beethoven Sonatas
Bill Thomson Piano Masterclass
MasterTalk by Prof Danilo Manto
Piano Performance and Teaching Series by Mr Robin Zebaida
30 Mar - Selected ABRSM Graded exam pieces
31.Mar - Selected pieces of DIPABRSM / ATCL
Piano Exam Pieces Masterclass & Ivan Yanakov Piano Masterclass
ABRSM Strings Workshop by Ms Joan Mee
16 July 2014
Simon Mulligan Piano Masterclass
15 July 2014